
About The Site

I started using this site to showcase all of the projects I’ve worked on over the years of my web development career. Then I went crazy and started aggregating everything I do on the internet. So if you were looking for dirt on me, you might be able to find some in my tweets, my bookmarks, my pictures, my comments, my Fedorable posts, or my Code Spatter posts.

About Myself

I am the programmer behind IvyLees The network for PR and business and Presskit’n (not press kitten) Do-It-Yourself Public Relations. I developed the sites with django and also administrate the servers.

I am one of the developers in Match Strike: we build websites.

I used to work full-time at Course Development & Web Services at the University of Central Florida. I was part of the Advanced System team who’s been responsible for creating enterprise, university-wide applications such as eCommunity and FormManager. Also, the team adds some functionality to the UCF portal and interfaces the main website with the content management system. Another enterprise-level application that is going through its first launch is ePortfolio. There have been many small projects and some large projects that I helped develop. RedBeard, UCF.edu Redesign, Approvinator, URL Shortener, and an OpenID Provider have provided me with a wide range of responsibilities and opportunities to learn new things.

About My Interests

I am always interested in learning new things, but these are some things I know I enjoy doing.

  • Query Optimization
  • Programming Challenging Applications
  • Enhancing Authorization Scripts
  • Utilizing Open Standards
  • Server Administration

I’ve also put up some Django examples as I learn new things.

About My Goals

It has been a goal of my for a while to spread the knowledge that I have to anyone that is interested. This may be in the form of Teaching at a University, presenting at conferences, or posting information on a weblog. I will probably find a comfortable balance of some of those methods since I currently already have a blog and I’ve presented at a conference.

About What is Running the Site

The site is hosted on WebFaction which I like to use since it’s easy to deploy django projects from their admin panel.

WordPress is powering the website and I modified this skin which was a port of this drupal theme (it was closer to what I was planning on designing than the default). I have disabled comments since the site is for me to provide information, however, discussion is encouraged at Code Spatter where I contribute posts about useful information I glean from working on awesome projects.